For several years running, I have joined others in the exercise of choosing one word or phrase to act as a guide for the new year. This year, as the old year has transformed into a new one, many words and phrases have come into my mind and heart:
Pause. Reflect. Connect. Relationships. Purpose. Gratitude. Create. Clear. Encourage. Embrace. Today. Health. Live. The list continues...
However, on it there has been no single word that the Spirit seems to be persistently - and ironically - trying to get me to listen to, and, likewise, there has yet to be a phrase that has echoed from my heart to my head, creating an aha in my soul. Nope. There has not even been a simple pair of words whispered to me in such a gentle, yet firm way that I know they must be my words for 2017.
Rather, during the past few weeks, a question that I have often used to reset myself and my children through the years has come to mind and lips over and over again:
What can I do right now to make the next moment better?
So it is, that I have decided NOT to embrace a single word, or even a short phrase, for 2017, and, to, instead let this question lead the way. Undoubtedly, as I do, I will, by default, listen... and ACT. I will recognize what is I will, at times, pause, reflect, connect, create, clear, and encourage. I will embrace gratitude, work on relationships, live with purposeful pause. I will, with God's grace, live in the very precious present while building a better future.
Yes, that is what 2017 is already about for me.
What word, phrase, statement, or question might guide you throughout 2017? I'd love to hear about it!