Sunday, October 30, 2016

Try a Design Challenge for All Saints and All Souls Days

Would you like to challenge your children as you learn and play in celebration of All Saints Day?  Then, you might want to try the design challenge I will be using in our fifth Problem Solving with the Saints co-op class this week.

Before I share it, though, I'd like to catch you up with some photos from our St. John Paul II challenge.

Flashback to Mountains and Book Stands

For our Saint John Paul II challenge, the children had to make a self-standing "mountain" that was at least 27 inches tall using just these supplies.

When my children tried this challenge at home, they used rolling, folding, tearing, twisting and taping...

...then measuring... make this:


At co-op, one team used rolling, tearing, and taping to make this:

All the children that tried the challenge hearkened back to what they'd learned during our St. Kenneth Build a Book Stand challenge:  Cardstock becomes strong in two cylinder shapes.

And, maybe in one...

Yes, even in one!

Even in a short one!

I just love to see the children applying what they've learned through one challenge to another.  I'll be curious to see how their past experience and new ideas play out for our All Saints Day challenge this week!

All Saints and All Souls Days Design Challenge Food for Thought

This week will be the only week during our Problem Solving with the Saints co-op course that we do not use a saint scrapbooking sheet.  Instead, we'll chat about All Saints Day and All Souls day using two favorite books.

{Disclosure: Some links which follow are affiliate ones.  Should you click through them and make any purchase, we may receive compensation at no extra cost to you.  Earnings go straight back into training happy hearts and sharing about it with you here.}

To introduce All Saints Day, we will read and chat about
Jackie's Special Halloween, which I just reviewed this past week and fell in love with.

Later, to introduce All Souls Day, we'll read and chat about The Spirit of Tio Fernando: A Day f the Dead Story.

The All Saints and All Souls Design Challenge

After we read and chat about All Saints and All Souls days, I will offer the children the following supplies:

  • 1/2 bag of marshmallows (or a small bag of cotton balls)
  • 2 disposable drinking cups
  • 10 paper clips
  • 5 sticks of spaghetti
  • 1 inch of tape
  • 10 inches of string or yarn
  • a ruler or tape measure (to be used for measuring only)

With these, the children's goal will be to suspend as many marshmallows or cotton balls) as possible above the floor or table as they meet these specifications:

Of course, our Lord wants all souls with Him as saints in heaven. Gather as many “souls” (marshmallows) as possible in the “heavens” (a place at least three inches above the table or floor.)

I cannot wait to see the creative solutions the children come up with!

More Ideas for Praying for All Souls

You can find five ways to observe November, the month of Souls in Purgatory by clicking through the photo below:

Try Other Problem Solving with the Saints Challenges

You might also enjoy clicking through the images below to see more of our co-op plans and to access free printables.

Forthcoming will be our St. Edward challenge from a few weeks ago and an upcoming Saint Charles Borromeo challenge.

In Case You've Yet to Find Our All Saints Day Party Challenges...

You might also like to click through the post titles or images below to find details and free printable challenge sheets for game challenges to enjoy at an All Saints Day party, in your home, at a co-op, or on specific saint feast days.

The Final 3 All Saints Day Game Challenges

3 All Saints Day Game Challenges

3 More All Saints Day Party Ideas

2 All Saints Day Craft Challenges and a Physical One

3 Skills-Based Game Challenges for All Saints Day

We always find that a combination of praying with the children, reading them stories, and engaging them in hands-on activities helps them internalize stories about the saints and their virtues. 

We would love to hear how your children best learn about the saints and how they enjoy the challenges we share should you try any. Please leave comments and links here or post photos to our Facebook page.

Saints in Heaven, pray for us.


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