Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tree to Table with Crockpot Applesauce

One of our favorite fall family field trips is apple picking at Honeypot Hill.  It’s a day filled with joy:

Climbing ladders.  Picking apples.  Viewing gorgeous autumn colors.  Eating cider donuts. 

And, the apples?  Crisp.  Sweet.  Delicious!Perfect for making the easiest ever crock pot apple sauce…


Core, peel and dice apples.

Fill the crock pot with them and add just a bit of water.

 Then, cook on high for about three hours and enjoy!

It’s a delightfully easy treat to teach practical life cooking skills just after lunch time, and, then to practice the habit of patience while waiting until tea time, when – yum! – it’s all done.

We sure enjoyed slowing down to enjoy this tree to table treat recently.  What ways have you enjoyed your precious present?  Do share!

works for me wednesday at we are that familyThis post is being shared at Steady-Mom’s 30-Minute Blog Challenge.  It's also being shared at Works for Me Wednesday since this week's links over at We Are THAT Family focus on recipes. sharing.


Patty said...


Anonymous said...

Hi! I came over from Steady Mom 30 minute blog challenge. What lovely pictures! I´d really like to pick apples with my family. Unfortunately there´s no such thing in Argentina! I think is a wonderful experience for families with young kids. Thanks for sharing.

KDL said...

We make applesauce this way, too, except I usually put in a little sugar and some cinnamon. We have pear trees in our back yard (3) and we are always overwhelmed with pears, so I make these into sauce to - same general plan except I don't use as much water, or sugar, and I add nutmeg and cloves, too. Very yummy!

m.b. said...

Looks so delicious!

I especially love that there's no added sugar.

Martianne said...

Yes, we love no added sugar here, though, admittedly we add it when eating at times. Some maple syrup or agave in moderation can be delightful!


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