Please forgive the haziness of the photos in the post. Between the poor quality of our camera and the smoke
created when cooking corn cakes on the griddle between coming home from one activity and running out to work, the photos of our tea came out poorly. They will, still, offer inspiration, I hope. |
Another of our name days
crept up on me this past week, and since I am re-committed
to celebrating all of our family Name Days , I spent early Monday morning
before the kids were awake gathering information to inspire a menu for a St. Nina tea.
This was not an easy task.
I found no
information online about how St. Nina’s day is traditionally celebrated and
even discovered that, January 15, the date I had noted on my calendar as St.
Nina’s feast day may or may not be correct.
But, more on
the date question later. First, let me
share ideas
for celebrating a St. Nina Feast Day Tea so others may enjoy doing so next
year (or even later this year, depending on which of the many possible dates
for celebrating St. Nina you would like to do so on.)
Icon images on candles the color of St. Nina's clothing |
GFCF Tea Time Fare
Ready to feast! |
Any Georgian recipe
will work, since St. Nina is patron to the country of Georgia.
After researching Georgian fare, which I was hitherto
unfamiliar with, my mouth watered and I decided that we will be adding Georgian
foods to our meal rotation for a while since I want to explore many of the delicious-looking
recipe that I found.
For our tea this past week, which we had planned as a
“lunner” tea (late lunch, early dinner), I decided on:
- grapes, since one of St. Nina’s
symbols is a grapevine cross.
grapes left on their vines |
- grape juice, for similar reasons.
- pomegranate juice, because pomegranates seem to be a part of some Georgian recipes.
- a quickie adaptation of honey candied
walnuts, because Gregorian churkkhela looks far
too complicated to make, but caught the kids’ eyes when they awoke while I
was planning the tea and a quickie version of Gozinaki seemed much
These were quick, easy and delicious. |
- pomegranate seeds (for produce power, as pomegranate seemed to play into Georgian recipe fare.)
Oh, to find an easy way to get these out! |
It tastes far better than it looks. |
- Mchadi
corn cakes (because Luke always wants “a starch” and this one was an
easy Georgian one to make, even if it was a bit dry.
I don't advise rushing these and cooking them on a cast iron griddle. Smoke WILL happen. Oops! |
- Soki
from the Georgia Georgian site, which we easily adapted to casein-free.
Again, it tasted so much better than it looked. |
- chocolate almond milk (because no no "tea" in our home is complete without it according to our kids)
- GFCF toast (because the kids were still hungry)
- blueberries (for one of St, Nina's apparent colors), tomatoes and cucumbers (because the kids don't like dressed salads)
for the picky eaters |
good options might be:
Nina also gave thanks for grapes, which were here favorite part of our tea menu. |
Possible Activities
- Read the
Hymn of Praise and watch the youtube video featuring images of St. Nina at Mystagogy, an
Orthodox website.
- With older children or younger children who can handle it, watch the trailer to St.
Nino, a movie that is
in the works (or maybe already produced. I am trying to figure that out still.) (My kids actually wanted to watch this
and liked it. I just had them turn
away during certain part.)
- Craft stick or twig crosses with
the horizontal piece pointing down modeled after St. Nina’s grapevine cross, which is depicted and described
at Wikipedia. (Nina and I made
twig crosses without pointed down cross bars, using twigs and floss.)
- Paint or color images of St. Nina based on the many
icons for her. (We did not
do this this year since we had a busy day.)
- Since Georgia is the country that St. Nina is
patron to, look the country of Georgia
up on a map and, then search online or in a book for interesting facts
about the country. (My son’s
favorite book for looking up country’s lately is the Not For Parents Travel Book, which he got from his
godmother for his birthday. It has
some “gross” facts, but Mike and I enjoy reading it to Luke and his sibling
- Do
copywork of some of the verses said to have been on St. Nina’s scroll
and then roll the papers into scrolls.
(We did not do this either, but I plan to next year.)
- Listen to a Gregorain Chant while viewing images of St. Nina
and the countryside on
YouTube. (We did this in the
morning, not at the tea.)
- Explore icon colors. St. Nina is often depicted in red and blue. (Nina not only asked me why Nina wears
these colors, but if she could wear the colors for the day, too. It led us into researching a bit about
iconography and the meanings of colors.
If anyone knows of a trusted
resource for exploring iconography and the meanings of colors used for St.
Nina and other saints, I would appreciate it. Please leave the name or link in the
Jack doesn't care when we celebrate the day. He just liked the corn cakes slathered with GFCF "butter". |
St. Nina is honored in
the Orthodox tradition for converting much of the country of Georgia to
Christianity. One Orthodox organization
I found offered a
thorough biography of St. Nina and listed her feast day as January 14. Another, which offered a
briefer bio, seconded that date. However, then a site I stumbled
into called Mystagogy
stated that the
Orthodox church in Georgia marks St. Nina’s
feast day “twice a year: on June 1 – the
Entrance of St. Nina to Georgia
and on January 27 – the day of her passing away.” Hmm... I decided to try searching “Catholic”
and “St. Nina” instead of just “St. Nina” to see if I could discern a more
“correct” date to celebrate my little girl’s namesake.
Oddly, I also
found information about St. Nina’s Feast Day date at Yeah Baby. There, there were a
variety of Name Day dates based on what country the saint is celebrated in, but
none for American Catholics.
(For the record, after viewing the list, I was tempted to delay our
celebration until July 12, since that is when St. Nina’s feast day is celebrated in Slovakia and
since one of the reasons we chose the name Nina for our little girl is because
it is a saint’s name, a Slovak name – which would honor part Daddy’s heritage – and an Italian nickname –
which would honor part of my heritage.
But, I had already mentioned to our Nina that her Name Day was coming
Then, curious if I could
find more about the Catholic take—or even a “correct” Catholic day for honoring
St. Nina, I tried searching the Vatican website. The only mention I was able to find about St.
Nina was in the Address
of John Paul II to Ilia II, Catholicos Patriarch of the Ancient Apolistic
Church of Georgia. It did not help
me with the date question much, but it did corroborate the fact that St. Nina was a great
evangelist. (The mention was that, “In time
of peace and in times of persecution alike your Church has born a faithful and
exemplary witness to the Christian faith and the Christian sacraments, a
witness borne by many holy men and martyrs from the days of St Nina onwards.”)
with further research at the Vatican site and elsewhere I could determine the
actual date on the Catholic calendar for celebrating St. Nina, but since I did
not have time for that on Monday morning, I
went with the 15th for this year since that was what I had on the
calendar and would welcome anyone who knows about St. Nina to leave me
information about in a comment. I want
to know more about my little girl’s namesake.
Luke, too, preferred the corn cakes over everything... Well, everything except the juice and chocolate milk. For our kiddoes, such sugary drinks are a favorite indulgence on feast days. |
Do you celebrate Name Days in your house? How? Also, can you offer any insights about
when to celebrate St. Nina or share stories and resources about her?
(If you receive this post via email and cannot see the linky, be sure to actually click over to the blog to read browse the rich catalog of ideas there.)
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Hi! I was just looking for recipes and stumbled across this.
I am Orthodox, and thought I might help you out. :)
In the Orthodox liturgical year there are two dates for St. Nina. Both are correct. One is her main feast (January). The other is a celebration (I think) of her entrance into Georgia.
The Orthodox Church calendar has not undergone the liturgical reforms of the Roman Catholic church. There are multiple saints for each day of the year, and many saints have multiple feast days.
In Orthodox countries, St. Nina's main feast day is in January, although if you'd like to celebrate it when they do in Georgia, you'll have to wait 13 days, since they use the Julian calendar. :)
Hope that helps!!
Regarding the date of St. Nina's commemoration. In the Orthodox Christian Churches, she is celebrated on Jan. 14 for those using the Gregorian calendar (new calendar) and Jan. 27 for those using the Julian calendar (old calendar). That may be why you found references to both dates.
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