"Which book is that, Luke?"
"You know, the chapter book we always read now." It took me a minute, but, then, I realized he meant Richard Scary's Best Story Book Ever
She could not have been more right! Since the book came into our home, it has not gone a day without being poured over by Luke, with Nina often at his side. And, although it doesn't meet my usual children's books standards, being full of talking animals dressed as people, smoking images (including the one on the cover) and some rather silly stories, it will still be one we keep and read. The sheer joy it brings the kids earns it a place in our home. Nostalgia secures that place even further. And, the fact that the book weaves learning themes and lots of nursery rhymes and themed word book type pages in between its twaddle stories does not hurt either.
So, no, we didn't forget to read the "always book" the other day at quiet time, or at any quiet or bedtime since. And, the book will live up to Luke's name for it -- remaining always on our shelves (or tucked away in a box at some pint) to pass onto anther generation, we hope, tape binding and all!