Luke, proud and happy, with the prayer cube our parish gifted him |
Luke was gifted one from our parish at Mass last weekend in honor of the fact that he is preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion, and I must say, we are delighted with it.
On the way home from Mass, I heard Luke working his decoding skills as he read the different sides of his prayer cube in the back seat. Then, on Thursday, as the kids and I continued our daily Faith and Virtues rotation, the prayer cube became central to our activities. We sat in a circle, took turns rolling the cube and, then, prayed the different prayers with specific intentions suggested by the children.
And, best of all, the kids asked to do it more – rolling, reading and praying.
Awesome! I love when a simple tool helps not only our prayer life, but also the kids’ reading skills.
So, thanks to our parish for introducing us to this tool. I am paying the introduction forward here in case you’d like to use a prayer cube with your children, too.
Although I am not sure where the prayer cube our parish gifted our son was from, I was able to find similar ones online at Amazon*, of course:
None of these looks exactly like ours, which has blue print and includes the Sign of the Cross, Grace for Mealtime, The Guardian Angel prayer, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be and the Our Father. This one
In fact, in searching online, I found cubes with prayers specifically related to the Rosary, Mealtime, Reconciliation, Healing from Cancer, Friendship, First Communion, Confirmation, Advent, Fasting and Christmas -- some even in Spanish. Truly, there seem to be cubes for every occasion. How cool is that?!
What tools have been encouraging prayer life in your home lately? Do you have a favorite catalog or company for tools such as these prayer cubes that we now love so much?
(If you receive this post via email and cannot see the linky, be sure to actually click over to the blog to read browse the rich catalog of ideas there.)