Yes, this year, God blessed my family (we pray) with not being sick on Christmas, by, instead, gifting me a rather intense, but - praise God - relatively short-lived norovirus on the third Sunday of Advent as a reminder to slow down, give thanks, and spend time at home. For there are always reminders, opportunities, and blessings, right? Even in sickness.
Now, having had plenty of time to lay around feeling physically awful, I am recognizing how my time being sick perhaps, has better prepared me spiritually for Christmas than a weekend of attending traditions and tasks might have done.
For as I dealt with sickness, I recalled that the first Christmas very likely was not the picture of warm glowing happiness and perfection that we so often picture it as on greeting cards, but, rather, it was most likely one of radiant joy brought by grace amidst very human mess and challenge.
I mean, Joseph and Mary traveled a long way. There was no room for them in the inn. Mary had Baby Jesus in a stable, with a manger for a bed.
These were not what we humans would normally consider ideal conditions.
And yet they were.
They were the ideal conditions for God's plan for salvation history to unfold. The ideal - and unexpected - way for prophesies to be fulfilled and promises to be kept.
Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, and so many more were amidst the muck and mayhem of life as it was, yet they were also basking in grace.
They said, "yes" to God's promptings. They surrendered themselves to His will. They allowed love to overcome everything else, and, in doing so, were able to see the face of God in His human form.
Today, as I witness my husband caring for our children while I am sick, smile as my daughter checks in on me and makes food for the rest of the family, gladly accept hugs and encouragement from my youngest, and know my oldest is doing his best to keep things quiet and calm around here, I am filled with gratitude.
I see each person in my home choosing love as we look toward the celebration of Christ's coming.
It is a beautiful thing.
Wherever you are at this Guadete Sunday - prepared or plodding along, joyful or just getting by - may you be able to pause and look around to see grace unfolding about you.