Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Poetic Round Up of Tried-and-True Lent Ideas from 15+ Families

Can you believe it?  Lent is just 10 days away. Have you decided how you and yours will give, fast, and pray?

I am still creating an outline of how I plan to live this season of the liturgical year with my family. In doing so, I've been praying and thinking... revisiting my past Lenten posts and drawing inspiration from friends and fellow bloggers.

This morning, I also bean musing poetic about Lent as I did once about Advent

Thus, now I share a Lenten poetic round up to help you find ideas and inspiration for how you and yours might live Lent this year.

Please enjoy this collection of thoughts linked to ideas and printables from different Catholic bloggers and websites

Perhaps the Spirit will use a phrase from the poem or a linked piece to whisper to you about the Lord's intentions for your family's Lenten journey.

'Twas 10 days before Lent
and across blogosphere
folks have been asking:
What are you doing this year?
To fill this liturgical season
with prayer, fasting, and giving, 
which Lenten practices
will you include in every day living?
What might help your family pray
for people from every nation?
Will you make time to pause each week 

to pray the Stations?
Might you pick a Pretzel Prayer Pal
 or focus on a special intention?
Will you begin a prayer journal,

and be open to divine intervention?
Will you have your children color

through the Mysteries of the Rosary as you pray?
Or make a book out of paper bags

to use for Stations of the Cross each Friday?
Will you get out into nature

with the New Way of the Cross?
Or spend time with Lent for Children-

a beautiful resource offered at no cost.
In what ways might you fast
and encourage your children to fast too?
Is a 5-minute sacrifice 
the right fit for you?
Will you make an extra effort
to love more this Lent?
Or aim to make dropping a bean

in a jar more frequent?
Will you make a crown of thorns
to encourage daily sacrifice?
Or will forgoing screentime 

to spend time with read alouds suffice?
Will you challenge your children to
to show 40 acts of love to others?
Or pause to share a three o'clock hour tradition
with sisters and brothers?
Will you bury the alleluia?
 a Pray, Fast, Give Chain?

Or, perhaps, set up 
a Lenten feast table again?
Will you use a Jesus Tree?
Will you count, pray, and give

with a free printable as an aid
as you learn, love, and live?
Will your use a Lenten candle cross

to focus meditations?
Or maybe gather 40 bags

of Lenten donations?
Will you print out free daily planner pages
to help keep you on track,
knowing that the Spirit 
has always got your back?
As we enter this Lenten season,

surely choices abound-
But, they matter little
unless meaning is found:
Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving

help us devote ourselves to the Lord,
as we seek true conversion of hearts and minds
moving forward.
This Lenten season
may we each come closer to Jesus Christ,
giving thanks for His merciful love
and ultimate sacrifice.

Thank you to the following folks for blessing folks forward with ideas like those shared through the links above:

May you have a blessed and beautiful Lent which prepares you well for a glorious Easter!


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