Sunday, April 18, 2021

Have You Read Counsels of Perfection for Christian Mothers? You Must!

Perfection is accomplishing the will of God in a constant and generous fashion. 

Monsignor P. Lejeun, 
Counsels of Perfection
for Christian Mothers

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What a gem Counsels of Perfection for Christian Mothers by Rev. P. Lejeuna is!

A book club I am in recently decided to concentrate on this inspiring and practical work written to aid Catholic women in becoming the saints they desire to be, and I am so grateful that they did. It is an excellent book!

Since beginning it, I have been highlighting like crazy, pausing to pray and think, enjoying rich discussions... and thinking, "Why have I never read this before?"

Counsels of Perfection for Christian Mothers by Rev. P. Lejeuna is absolutely one of the best spiritual reads I have picked up in years. I cannot stop thinking about parts of it and going back to reread portions and think it will benefit any mother who reads it and actually has portions that could benefit any Catholic adult who seeks to be spiritually strengthened.

Thus, in case you have never heard of the book before, I am sharing ways to access it here.

Whether you are an audio learner or a visual one, like print or audio, want free or paid, you can easily start digging into Counsels of Perfection for Christian Mothers by Rev. P. Lejeuna.

  • Reprints are available at Amazon.
  • An MP3 audio of the book at the JMJsite.

Any of these options will bring you to this gem of a resource that offers 
precise direction, meditations, and more.

Enjoy reading!


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