Now, this 800+ page tome might seem a bit meaty for the lean time that two young children allow me for dedicated reading and research. But, its friendly tone, excellent index and well-designed organization, as well as its concise, yet practical, explanations and resource lists, allow me to feast on it as occasions allows. Indeed, I find that the guide is divided into bite-size chunks that are easily digested – satiating my hunger for both a “how-to” and a “you’re doing just fine” as I approach educating my young ones. (And, this is something I cannot echo in regards to some other resources I have tried to sink my teeth into!) Indeed, The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education
Now, as my children are but in their preschool years, I have browsed the entire book, but have only really chewed on the portions that pertain to pre-k and kindergarten education. In doing so, I have delighted in the simple pleasure of knowing how little is actually needed to nourish my young children’s minds. For, where many early childhood education curriculums, philosophies and programs seem to continually add new components and “necessary” subjects or interest areas, the classical education distills early ed. down to a few hearty portions – a very manageable amount for a busy mom like me!
What are these portions? Why, “the three R’s”, of course: Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic (plus a good dose of every day natural learning thrown in for sustenance). And, as The Well-Trained Mind
With the simple ingredients of the three ‘R’s and everyday life in mind, I feel less like a novice and more like a master chef when it comes to setting the table for my kids’ education. The Well-Trained Mind
What priorities? Well, in addition to our family’s personal ones of putting faith first, closely followed by family needs and wants, I recognize the merit of focusing on the three ‘R’s. Yes, although my personality tends to lean towards creative pursuits – drama, music and movement, art, personal expression and the like, all of which I know I can incorporate as time allows – common sense and The Well-Trained Mind
Menu set then, I commit to preparing my children for Reading, Writing and Math by spending 10-30 minutes of focused time each day this new year on each of these “subjects”.
As classical education relies heavily on the written word, my main goal will be to help my children become fluent readers by first grade, if possible. This may seem a difficult aim, but, as The Well-Trained Mind
What are these?
- Limiting screen time to ½ hour or less a day and taking the time to talk, talk, talk, in order to lay and build upon the verbal foundation in my children’s minds.
- Repeating quality read alouds time and time again, as repetition builds literacy.
- Maintaining (multiple, in our home) reading nooks throughout the house where the kids can “read” books on their own.
- Reading picture books during laptime, while pointing to the words I am reading.
- Reading longer books without pictures as the children snuggle or play.
- Listening to quality audio books together.
- Simply enjoying reading on my own and letting the children see me do this.
- Encouraging my young ones to ask and answer questions about the content of books. Also, guiding them to make predictions and enjoy discoveries.
- Singing the alphabet song, reading alphabet rhymes and enjoying alphabet books.
- Exploring letter sounds and phonics.
- Noting “real world” print on signs, grocery store packaging, bumper stickers – you name it!
- As my children show readiness, as Luke is, beginning and systematically moving through a phonics primer for five, then ten, then fifteen minutes a day.
Yum! After digesting The Well-Trained Mind’s
And how about for Writing? The same thing goes. Simple is best and a few easy procedures can set the table for success!
- Teaching the kids the proper way to hold a writing utensil.
- Drawing lots of circles and loops in a counterclockwise direction, as this is how most printed letters are made.
- Having fun making letters by writing in rice, sand and other tactile mediums.
- Enjoying writing large letter shapes with chalk and crayons.
- Using regular diameter short pencils, rather than fat “preschool” pencils for writing.
- Teaching toddlers who can comfortably control a writing utensil how to do basic dot-to-dots.
- Once control and comfort in holding a writing utensil are noted, moving onto formal instruction of writing letters and numbers, one at a time, keeping a close watch on letter formation so bad habits are not formed.
- Copying familiar words (such as family names) and short sentences (think “I love you,”) in order to naturally learn beginning conventions of written language (such as capitals, spacing, punctuation, etc.).
Nothing demanding, and all at a child’s pace. Writing can be both swallowed and enjoyed!
And how about Math? Once again, the suggestions are easy to follow:
- Surrounding the kids with mathematical processes and language continually in order to promote math literacy by doing such things as counting toes, fingers, toys and treasures.
- Playing games that include counting and skip counting. (Think hide and go seek!)
- Counting backwards for “take offs”.
- Working on simple math sums, especially in the context of everyday life, such as figuring out how many plates to put out when setting the table.
- Cooking together, to introduce fractions and measurements.
- Playing games with numbers, such as Go Fish and War.
- Doing lots of addition and subtraction with manipulatives, like beans, blocks, buttons or chocolate chips.
- Learning about money, telling time, naming geometric figures (at least basic ones, such as circles, squares, triangles and rectangles).
- Reading math-related picture books. (We love Anno!)
In general, by treating math as a game and as a part of everyday living in the pre-k and kindergarten years, rather than as an academic pursuit, a parent can ensure a balanced diet of math literacy. And, in our house, we love games!
And so it is that The Well-Trained Mind
Bon appetit! And, thank you, Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise for making a classical education so accessible and appetizing!