Sunday, February 28, 2021

Of Birdfeeders and Bottles

Sometimes, God sends us hope and reminders through little things...

A window feeder with birds that come to feast, reminding me that the "birds in the not sow or reap... yet (my) heavenly Father feeds them." (Matthew 6:26)

My daughter helping me prep and wintersow 20+ bottles and jugs of what we hope will grow into flowers and edibles brought to mind the verse, "One who pays heed to the wind will never sow, and one who watches the clouds will never reap." (Ecclesiastes 11:4)

And, in the days that followed, as I faced some significant challenges in my call as wife and mother, I was edified by the thought that things may seem hopeless at times, conditions may appear all too imperfect, but if I just trust and do my work, God will do the rest. He provides. He controls the winds and clouds. He is always at work and always has a plan. I must stop worrying and just move forward in trust doing what I can as I can this moment.

If you, too, are facing struggles right now, I pray that everyday noticings and the Word of God can bring you some peace as they have me.


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