Sunday, June 9, 2019

Enjoy Pentecost Birthday Cake!

When your daughter turns 12 on Pentecost and already had her meal requests in - including yellow cake and berries- you honor that request, layer on some symbolism, and... ta-da!

Pentecost Birthday Cake!

So easy peasy!

The three berries in the center remind us of our triune God and the fact that when Christ left earth after His death and Resurrection, the Spirit followed.

The large candle in the center represents Christ our Light and His promise to send the Holy Spirit.

The 12 smaller candles represent the Apostles and the tongues of fire which came down on Pentecost.

The 12 berries they are in represent the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit.

All the berries around the cake represent the people of many nations who were told about Christ, one to another, growing the Church.

Of course, two of the symbols of Pentecost are captured in this Birthday cake - the tongues of fire with the flames of the candle and the wind with the kids blowing out the flames. Red - the color of Pentecost - is also there.

What is not there is a dove - which could easily have been added with a picture of large figurine, if I had thought of it - and symbolic 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

This last omission was purposeful.  For, I could have put a ring of seven strawberries into hearts to remind us of the loving 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but one of my children detests strawberries, so I opted not to cover too much of the cake surface in them.

You could do it though!

Because birthday child or not, Pentecost is a wonderful day for a birthday cake as a way to remember the birthday of the Church and our part within it.

Each of us is given 7 Gifts and, using those gifts, the 12 Fruits happen... Our Lord wishes us to continue the work of the Apostles - to spread news of Him.

Today - and every day - may we grow in relationship with our Lord and our neighbors.

Blessed Pentecost to one and all!


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