However, I think I have come up with something I am content with... for now. Undoubtedly, the outline below will be honed and tweaked as the year unfolds.
Taken all together, the curriculum as written looks a bit overwhelming and demanding. Hopefully, though, when paper is translated to practice, it will not be. My intent is to try to get to our "Core Four" of Faith, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic in daily, one way or another, and, then, to sprinkle the "Plus" on as each day allows, always bearing in mind some key themes for the year: movement, sensory experiences and outdoor time.
With this in mind, I am still working on a plan for how to actually present lessons and materials in a way that will appease my Type A Teacher-side while considering our home's current physical condition and our children's play-centered learning style, which requires ample movement and sensory input as well. One step at a time...
Today's step is simply to have laid out our:
Pre-K and K Curriculum
Core Four:
Faith and Character: Mass, Monthly First Friday Celebrations, Monthly Adoration, Home Catechesis Manual by Moira Farrell for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Mass, Bible Stories & Songs, Scripture Memory, Music & Study, Catechism. Character Trait/Value Studies, Liturgical Table, Saints Teas and perhaps some Sacred Music Appreciation and Sacred Art Appreciation, Story Books about Saints, Catholic Children’s Treasure Box
, Devotionals, Bible Felts, Faith Story Toys/Baskets/Manipulatives
Reading: Worldwide Montessori Online Albums, Read Alouds, Library Story Times, Word Mastery, Funnix, Starfall, Peter Piper’s Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation, A Children’s Garden of Verses, The Harp and the Laurel Wreath
, Nursery Rhymes, Beatrix Potter, Aesops Fables, Felt Stories, Magnet Stories, File Folder Games, Word Card Games, Board Games, Etc.
Math: Worldwide Montessori Online Albums, Games, Cooking, Shiller Math, a bit of Funnix, Cuisenaire Rods
, etc.
Science, Technology and Engineering (Physical Science, Astronomy, Ecology, Botony, Zoology, Nature Study, Geology): Worldwide Montessori Online Albums, Nature Walks and Passport Hikes, Magic School Bus Books and Videos
History/Social Science/Geography: Worldwide Montessori Online Albums, Evan-Moor Beginning Geography, Continent Boxes, Personal and Family History, etc.
Visual Arts: CM-style picture study, drawing with Draw Write Now
Music: Kazoo and Rhythm Instruments, Various Children’s and Cultural CD’s, Composer Studies, etc.
Health/Physical Education: Perceptual Motor Activities, MoveAbout Cards, Walks and Hikes, Outdoor Games, Brushing/Joint Compression, Skating Lessons, Maybe Swimming Lessons, Nutrition Studies, Safety/ First Aid/Fire/Emergency Drill Studies, Yoga, OT (for Luke), MegaSkills
Life Skills, Educational Skills and Interests: Handicrafts, Chores, Manners, Scheduling, Organization, Goal Setting, Life Skills Lists, Library Skills, Research Skills, Critical Thinking, Memorization, Study Skills, Awareness of Learning Styles
Foreign Language: Signing Time, Spanish Fun, German with Daddy
How is your pre-k and k curriculum shaping up this year and how do you intend to implement it? Do share in a comment or link.
Quite late, I am sharing this post at Heart of the Matter's Curriculum Week Blog Hop, a place where you can find links to oh-so-may curriculum ideas.