Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Lessons of a Sunday Stroll


Time for the Lord. Time for family. Time for a stroll.

We have had a tradition in our family for some time now of Sunday family time after Mass.

Whenever our calendar is clear of commitments with extended family, service events, and community events, we rotate through our family, with a different person choosing what we will all spend the afternoon or evening doing on a family date.

Today, was my daughter's turn, and she chose for us to go for a walk at a local nature preserve.

We had not been to the location in a while, so, when we arrived, my daughter ran over to check on the wheel - something we spied some years ago at the base of a big old tree that the kids like to play on.

We noticed that the wheel has been swallowed by the tree trunk a bit more.  Such a curious thing... I am still meditating on what it speaks to me about...

We also noticed how very green and full some of the maples were at the preserve.

It struck us, because the maple leaves by our house have already begun to turn colors and be stripped by the wind.

Seeing the maples at the entry to the trail so filled with vibrant free still reminded how everything has its season - and even within the same season, different individual things (and people!) grow and change at different paces.

There is beauty no matter what - in foliage, children, grown ups, walk with our Lord... 

Then, as we strolled along, my youngest played catch along the trails with Daddy.

I thought about my boy's latest passion and how our Lord gives each of us different interests and talents.

Embrace the gifts God gives us. I thought. Go with them and see where God will take us as I do.

Along the trail, a swampy area caught my eye. It was not awe-inspiring, but had its own quiet beauty. A bit of color here. A reflection there. Texture. Depth. Breadth. Bareness and beauty all mixed together.

Much like life. Everything woven together by God's glorious design.

Next up along the trail, we came upon lean-to's that my children and friends have added to over the years.

We were again amazed at how the huts have withstood the test of time and countless storms.

Those branches placed together - strength in unity.

United with our Lord, we are strong.

Juxtaposed to the strength, just next to the huts was the brokenness of a tree that had obviously fallen in a recent storm.

My younger two immediately turned the "bad" of a fallen tree into the "good" of a new nature's jungle gym piece.

But, once they climbed up the tree and were headed back down, one child began to get a bit nervous, cautiously trying not to slip... Meanwhile the other child waited behind, dancing no less.

Fear and joy. Trepidation and patience... Persistence.

And steady footing came again.

And silliness, too...

Through the paths' ups and downs we walked - much like we walk our journey through life.

Along the trail, we spotted this - a 1/2 and 1/2 leaf - a reminder to slow down and spot the unique beauty of this world.

For it goes quickly... as does each moment...

How is our oldest almost as tall as Daddy already?

What do the Heavens have in store for us?

And what beauty awaits us around the next corner?

Only the Lord knows.

He knows the plans He has for us. The hope.  The future.

We are so very blessed.

Praise be to God for all the gifts He bestows on us.

May we each take some time today to give thanks to our Lord no matter where we are.

And, if you think of it, may you be inspired to take a Sunday stroll on an upcoming Lord's Day.  It is so blessedly refreshing!


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