
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Merry Christmas. Please Pray!

Update: Prayers were answered! Our extended family member received the Christmas miracle of stepping down from ICU during the 12 Days of Christmas and, more recently, was able to go home with oxygen and a walker. Praise be to God!

We still have other family that is quite sick and also have friends in ICU, so please keep the prayers coming.

May you and yours have a most blessed 12 Days of Christmas!

And, as you celebrate, would you - in charity - offer prayers for all who need healing.

As so many folks do, we have several extended family members and friends down with sickness right now, and one was trasnferred to ICU last night. It was not the best news to receive on Christmas night, but we trust that our Lord will make good of the situation one way or another.

We have many local friends and family praying and ask you to pray, too.  We believe in Christmas miracles!

Sunday, December 19, 2021

3 Family Favorite Dramatized Audiobooks for the Season

 Happy final week of Advent!

Truth be told, my family and I  "failed" much of the third week of Advent as far as many of our day-to-day traditions go, and - since we were out so much - we did more listening to stories in our minivan than we did reading together by our Advent Wreath and Jesse Tree.

So, today, I thought I would share which CD's we had the in the minivan to help us revisit seasonal stories that have become nostalgic to us. Perhaps you and yours might enjoy these audio stories, too. 

{Some links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate and Music Maestro affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.}

Your Story Hour Christmas Stories

This set contains 14 30-minute dramatized audio stories, including classics like The Gift of the Magi, Biblical stories like Mary from Nazareth, and stories for forgiveness like A Sheaf of Grain. You can get a taste for what Your Story Hour radio dramas sound like on their website where there are a few free stories available.

Maestro Classic's The Nutcracker

We've been listening to this Maestro Classics CD since we reviewed it back in 2015. It's a wonderful version of the Nutcracker!

The Familyman's Christmas Treasury

Sadly, computer issues made us lose our digital downloads to the Familyman's Christmas Treasury set, which we reviewed back in 2016, but we still have our one CD from the set, The Stranger. which hits us differently every year when we listen to it pending what's going on in our lives.

During the week, we also managed a few picture books from the list we shared before and, blessedly, had a fruitful week overall with service and some extra special celebrations, which included:

...the gift of family, friends, and fun at Great Wolf Lodge...

...someone getting his permit...

...enjoying the lights, the crisp night air, and fun with friends at Edaville...

...and our youngest making dinner for Daddy and the rest of the family.

I pray that your Advent has been fruitful and fun, and would love to hear the titles of your family's favorite seasonal audio stories and books.


Find book and audio selections for all four weeks of Advent by clicking throgh each image below

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Favorite Read Alouds for the Final Week of Advent

Happy Guadete Sunday! Rejoice!

As we enter into the third week of Advent, I pray that you have been having a beautiful season preparing your heart and home for the coming of Christ.

If you'd like to get right to my 4th week of Advent picks scroll on down the post, and you'll quikcly find them.

If you'd like to hear and see how our our second week went, keep reading here.

Our second week of Advent has been full, full, full. Betwixt Masses, confession, prayers, lessons, chores, and whatnot, w
e also enjoyed a visit from St. Nicholas...

Putting together a basket for delivery men as per one of our Advent Chain links...

Then, dashing to and from a neighbor's door to leave it as a surprise...

Praying and having simple eats (honeyed pasta)with St. Ambrose...

Gathering with friends to make Blessing Bags...

Celebrating our eldest's birthday...

Picking out and wrapping gifts for the needy...

Getting silly with St. Nicholas at a friend's party...

And more!

With all that, happening, w
e've,admittedly, been a bit hit and miss with some of our Advent traditions. However, more days than not, we enjoyed reading with our Works of Mercy Wisemen, pulling links from our Advent Chain, sharing in Tabitha's adventures in this year's Ytreetide book, praying our St. Andrew Novena, and hanging Jesse Tree ornaments. And, when we missed days, we just caught up the next time we could.

So, Advent is unfolding here with prayer, penance, preparation, and - uh - too little quiet time, perhaps.

So as we head into the third week of Advent and look forward to the fourth, I'm going to be a realist: the calendar is looking pretty full and library book stops just won't be happening. Thus, for our read togethers, old favorites that we already have in the house it is!  These will bring ease, nostalgia, and inspiration to keep on readying hearts and home for Christ.

Perhaps some of our old favorites will become new ones of yours - or remind you of books you enjoyed when you were younger, too, (because, yes, some of them I've had since before I got married.)

{Some links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.}

December 18
4th Sunday of Advent 

Do you remember how you loved this book when you were little? And do you remember how hard it was to wait for Christmas to come? It's a bit easier now that you're older, but, still there is joyful  anticipation. As you count down the last days until Christmas, is there some kindness you've been meaning to extend to another, some gift of time, talent, or treasure you've been wanting to offer? Now is the time to act!

December 19

Oh, how one of you wants a puppy! And, oh, how all of you have always loved this book. We still cannot get a puppy of our own, but we can pass forward older linens to the shelter in town. Collect some up and head on over!

December 20

(Another old favorite!) Sometimes we don't get aroun to making or doing what we meant to do, but then an idea comes along that is even better. Today, think about a Work of Mercy or act of kindness you meant to act upon this Advent but have not. Is there something else you might do for the person you meant to bless that would bring even greater joy? 

December 21

Sometimes we do not think we have much to give... yet we always do! Who can you give your hear to today and how?

December 22

Is there anyone you have been bickering with or need to make amends to? Or, is there just someone you think could use a break from a difficult situation - who you could bring a little joy to? What can you do today to bring peace, encouragement, and joy to another?

December 23

What a beautiful thing community is. Who in our community could use some compnay? Some time? A gift of service?

December 24

The Night Before Christmas


Santa comes tonight, sharing the Spirit of Love at Christmas and helping us remember the great gift of Christ's love for us. How well have we prepared our heart and home for Christ's coming? Is there anything more we can od before we sleep to ready ours elves for the coming of Christ?

May you be conclude your Advent journey with wonderfully blessed days of doing little penances, praying with zeal, and living with joyful anticipation!


Find book and audio selections for all four weeks of Advent by clicking throgh each image below

I'd love to hear what seasonal picture books and Advent tradtions, customs, and activities you've been enjoying.