
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy New Year: A Quick Round Up of Free Liturgical Calendar Printables

Flashback to Last Year:  Jack
Happy New Year!” the kids told Grammy last night before leaving the church where we’d gone to see their cousin and our friends in a Christmas pageant.

Grammy smiled and gave them a hug.  “Oh, I think you will see me before the New Year.” 

I then explained that they meant the Liturgical New Year, which starts today.  With all the hubbub of photo taking after the pageant, it had slipped Grammy’s mind that Advent starts today, and with it, the new church year.

Flashback:  Luke

Grammy smiled again and returned the kids’ greeting.

Now, this morning, I am busy printing out Liturgical Calendars to put up with the kids today. 
I have already collected bells and other instruments from the basement to ring in the New Year with, a game or two to play after breakfast (just as we do with family on the calendar New Year) and newspaper for making paper hats.

Flashback:  Nina and Mommy

In a minute, I will be off to make our Liturgical New Year breakfast.  But, before I do, I just wanted to wish everyone a blessed Advent and a Happy New Liturgical Year!

I also wanted to share three great sources for free printable Liturgical Calendars:

While you are printing, you might also want to check out the Literature Rich Advent of Faith, Others, then Selves that I posted a printable of the other day.  It includes key words, Montessori ideas, sensory ideas, book titles and more for enjoying an alphabet of Advent fun.

Flashback:  Jack and Daddy
How will you celebrate the Liturgical New Year?


(If you receive this post via email and cannot see the linky, be sure to actually click over to the blog to read browse the rich catalog of ideas there.)

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