
Friday, October 14, 2022

Learn Pre-Algebra with Flexibility and Independence {A TabletClass Math / Homeschool Review Crew Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. 

If you are looking for a middle school or high school math program that is complete, understandable, flexible, and able to be used online and on paper online, solo or with parent input, then TabletClass Math could be for you.

My 12-year old has been trying out the Pre-Algebra and so far, I've been pleased with the course and would therefore recommend it, or TabletClass Math other homeschool math courses as a possible solution for you and yours. 

Other courses offered are:
Each course is designed to provide a complete math curriculum that can be self-paced by students with 24-hour online access to a full host of pre-recorded video lessons and printable practice problems and tests/keys and notes

Clear Math Teaching

Instruction is offered by Mr. John Zimmerman, a credentialed and proven master teacher who has helped countless students reach their goals - from finally "getting" math to getting into top colleges. His style is engaging as he aims to make math enjoyable and understandable while making complex concepts clear.

Mr. Zimmerman also aims to offer homeschool students the full teaching they would receive in a classroom situation, which means he provides full down-to-earth video lessons which introduce and teach concepts and skills and also
 bring students step-by-step through solutions to all practice problems

You can get a flavor for Mr. Zimmerman's style on his YouTube channel.

Ease of Use

Each TabletClass Math is self contained and easy for students to use on their own with any online device, a printer, paper, a pencil, and, if desired, a calculator. No textbooks or other supplies are needed.

With a well-organized online portal hosted on the website, students can use TabletClass Math independently and control the pace of instruction in a way that suits their learning style - pausing videos, replaying them, skipping ones about concepts they "get", moving quickly through lessons or taking thing slow.

The online portal is set up with consecutive links almost like chapters in a text book, so basically, you can
 self-pace through the online teaching then put pencil to paper by completing printable practice problems, exercises, and tests. Doing so will help you master chapter core math skills and concepts.

Of course, you can also use TabletClass Math as a ready reference or tutorial system logging in any time you get stuck on a particular concept and using the easy to use navigation to find a lesson which targets just what you need more help with.

Or, like my son and I, you can use TabletClass Math as both and independent and parent-supported math program - working independently when life requires it and having some Mom (or Dad)-taught lessons using the printable worksheets when time allows and you ask for such things. 

Parent Support

TabletClass Math is set up for students to do on their own, Mr Zimmerman did not forget parents. 

As a parent, you can gain access to a Parent/Admin Portal that includes:

  • Chapter Tests / Keys
  • Chapter Tests Summary Worksheet
  • a Course Guidebook
  • Final Exam Directions
  • a Final Exam
  • a Final Exam Key
  • a Course Grade Calculation Worksheet
  • a printable Course Certificate

No worries if you don't "get" math or are rusty, all solutions are there!

Plus, you can easily see how students are doing by paging through their printable worksheets or taking a peak at periodic quizzes.

Comprehensive Math Teaching

Some online math programs seem more supplementary than complete. Not TabletClass Math
Each TabletClass Math course is designed to provide much more than a brief overview of concepts.

Each topic is taught 
in-depth, to include lesson videos, practice problem examples and step-by-step video solutions, a wide range of printable problems, etc.

Lesson videos, on average, are more than 15 minutes long in order to maximize complete explanations and mastery.

Basic and advanced skills, including word problems, are covered and each chapter includes
a comprehensive, printable summary of notes for each concept covered​.

There are also end-of-chapter 
quizzeswith instant feedback so you can see how you are doing.

Designed for student practice and mastery of core academic skills, TabletClass Math offers more than many other online math courses I have seen.

My Son's Thoughts|

My 12-year-old said:

At first, I hated it, because I did not want to start Pre-Algebra, but once I watched the videos I realized it was not that bad. The videos teach well. They have clear explanations and there are also videos to walk you through the problems.

I like that there are printable worksheets. I like being able to write on paper. Also, the worksheets make it so that I can learn 1:1 with Mom when I don't want to watch the videos. The program gives me options to decide if I want to be online or off and to be able to decide if I want to get ahead. 

I would recommend it and will continue it, which will make my mom surprised because at first I was adamant I would not do Pre-Algebra.
As Mom, I am surprised. My 12-year-old was not thrilled when I suddenly jumped him to Pre-Algebra, but he's realized that with this program, he can do it. Hoorah!

My Final Thoughts

So, far, I have been pleased with the flexibility and comprehensive teaching of TabletClass Math.

I particularly appreciate that my son can use the 
TabletClass Math system independently and control the pace of instruction in a way that suits his personal learning style and our crazy schedules. Because the system is set up so that students use both technology (any online device) and traditional materials (pencil and paper!) to learn, my son can use it at home and at co-op during study hall when he has internet connection, or or alongside me or his own on paper when we have pre-printed included worksheets and are somewhere without internet connection or when he just wants some Mom-time and teaching.

TabletClass Math approach seems excellent for retention and engagement as well as flexibility and I encourage you to look into it.

Learn More

online math

About 20 Homeschool Review Crew families tried out a course or more TabletClass Math. Click through to find links to video, social media, and blog reviews.

Find TabletClass Math on social media: FacebookPinterest, and YouTube.

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